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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hello everyone. I just thought about vlogging/blogging about Tiredness. I know each and everyone of us have our lives and we have to get things done but I thought hey, I can also put a little positivity about being tired. Ok, weird right? But I guess what I was trying to put out here is that we may be tired but we can't confess/say or claim it all the time. It may be a little hard for others to interpret what I'm trying to say but, usually...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wowo-Wide Screen

Wowo-Wide Screen

Wow! Can you believe that YouTube finally went widescreen? It's really funny how things just work out. I recently bought an HD Widescreen Camera. It's a Sony HDR-SR11. I seriously wasn't planning on buying a camera guys! It's something I really can't afford at the moment. But things just really works out unplanned....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recent Update

Recent Update

Ok, for those of you who care and wonder.. hehe. I have been ultimately busy with projects. What else is new right? hehe. Anyway, It's a really great thing considering these projects can help me earn a little bit. I know It's been crazy. So as far as doing YouTube videos and collabs it is quite impossible at...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happiness Epidemic

Hey guys! Due to a lot of busy scheds and projects, I can barely even write to my blog. hehe. I just wanted to update you guys that a clip from my video "Kits Happy Tips" was featured on YahooUK's web show called, Get Your Island On. They had asked for my permission to use a clip from my video, "Kits Happy Tips." The title for the episode is, Get your Island On, Happiness epidemic which features several clips of their favorite webshows....

Friday, October 17, 2008

What I've Been Up To

What I've Been Up To

Hey guys! If you ever wondered what's been goin' on with me, let alone a hectic schedule is because I was a part of a big production held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles this past weekend.The Shrine is where they usually have big events such as the Emmy Awards, Oscars, Concerts, etc.. This event is called,...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

BlogTV Wackiness!

BlogTV Wackiness!

Hey everyone! Last night was a very interesting night to where I was able to co-host with several people from YouTube on BlogTV. I feel that It's a really great way to connect deeper aside from the chats! I had Pauline (Pinayrules), Caryn(Carynakacare), Archie(gasang1), Eman(Aznconquerer) and friends Leo and...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 23 Birthday

September 23 Birthday

I just wanted to Thank each and everyone of you who greeted me on my Birthday! Yay! I am very blessed to have met all of you guys! Seriously. The whole party actually started on Friday, the 19th of September. Pauline (Pinayrules on YouTube), had gathered all these wonderful people to do a collaboration video...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First BlogTV show

Hey guys! I finally survived my very first BlogTV show! I probably had 12+ people that came last night. It was a very intimate and a cool experience. I loved being able to talk to everybody and bond. You have that better connection and It's just really nice! But, down side is I had a few problems with the camera. It was always turning gray on me. So we had to merge to Slusho's show on his BlogTV. Well, I recorded 10 minutes of the show...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blog TV

Blog TV

Earlier today I was able to configure my camera and mic on Blog TV. Looks like I'm ready to call for one. hehe.. I don't really know how successful It'll be or how many people will show up. But I just really wanted to connect with a lot of people and also get a chance to know them better. How great is that?...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Update on Partnership and Thank you

Hi everyone! My apologies for not updating for so long. As you know, I've been busy with work and a bunch of projects on the side. But here I am giving the opportunity to thank every single one of you guys who supported me all the way on YouTube. Without all of you guys, I wouldn't get the chance to be a partner. For those of you wondering, being a partner means you can earn money from your videos by posting Google ads on your videos....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pinoy Ads Interview

Pinoy Ads Interview

Recently, I was asked to do an interview for the June issue of Pinoy Ads. This is a Filipino news magazine from the east coast. With Mary Grace's generosity, she has given me an opportunity to have an interview for their news magazine. It's very flattering and I thank her and her Father for this chance. I sent...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Welcome to my Blog Site

Hi guys! Wow! I finally made a blog site for extra videos, behind the scenes, extras, and updates. I know It's been a really long while since I created my very own blog site. For those interested and curious, I made this one so you can finally see what I've been up to and just maybe enjoy the extra videos that I create. Many YouTubers created their own blog site so I thought it was about time for me to do one as well. he he.. Here's a...
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