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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blog TV

Blog TV

Earlier today I was able to configure my camera and mic on Blog TV. Looks like I'm ready to call for one. hehe.. I don't really know how successful It'll be or how many people will show up. But I just really wanted to connect with a lot of people and also get a chance to know them better. How great is that?...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Update on Partnership and Thank you

Hi everyone! My apologies for not updating for so long. As you know, I've been busy with work and a bunch of projects on the side. But here I am giving the opportunity to thank every single one of you guys who supported me all the way on YouTube. Without all of you guys, I wouldn't get the chance to be a partner. For those of you wondering, being a partner means you can earn money from your videos by posting Google ads on your videos....
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