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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Behind The Video - Jitteroo

Behind The Video - Jitteroo

Hey guys! I was finally able to upload another Behind The Video. This is a video I did sometime last year. It's called "Jitteroo." The idea behind it came for my love of coffee. Haha! I thought of exaggerating it a little more by adding jitters to the effect of the coffee. Since that's what happens most case...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hey guys. Due to some personal work and development, I'm in Hiatus status. There has been so many things running in my mind. I'm also debating whether to create a new comedic media on YouTube or start Vlog #6 since the new season has caught up to me. I've been thinking about all of you and hopefully I'll be able to produce more videos for you guys real soon.As many of you know, there are tragic events in the Philippines, American Samoa,...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Luv Chat

Luv Chat

Hello Guys!Just wanted to share with you all that I will be a guest on It's a site where Jim "Poorman" Trenton interviews YouTubers, sort of like a Jay Leno type of show. Come check it out. I will be a guest on Friday, September 11, 2009 between 8-9 p.m. During that time, anyone can call in and ask...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

BakitWhy Blog Feature - TFS (The Filipino Show)

BakitWhy Blog Feature - TFS (The Filipino Show)

Hi everyone! I just wanted to share to you all that my TFS videos were featured on Bakitwhy's Blog section on August 20, 2009. It's really flattering to know that my videos somehow reach out to others and make their day. A Bakitwhy contributer by the name of Jonathan Hernandez has written a blog about the videos:"For...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One At A Time

One At A Time

Hi everyone! It's been so long since I have written here on my blog site. As you know, our personal lives can get in the way and we have priorities to take care of so we have to do what we have to do. Anyway, I wanted to share to you guys how moved and inspired I am lately. I know film making takes so much and...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

DD YouTube Gathering Update

Hey guys! 23 more days left 'til the Mini YouTube Gathering that I'm throwing in Orange County. I'm really excited for this small event since this will be a great chance to bond, have fun, get to know more about each other, and meet new people! =DIt's all about having fun and just hanging out! If anyone else is interested, please e-mail me here at: to receive an Evite. =]Here is the latest video announcement I...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Season and New Videos

New Season and New Videos

Hi guys. At this moment I have been focusing on the new forthcoming videos. I've been preparing costumes, characters, and rebuilding sets that didn't push through last season. This season I've been also planning on doing collaborations with different people. Never thought It'd be challenging especially having...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mini YouTube Gathering

Mini YouTube Gathering

Hi guys! I'm planning to throw a mini gathering in Southern California. I'm Targeting members between 10 to 15. If more the merrier! =D We'll see if we can pull this off guys! It's a challenge for me since It's me throwing it so it feels a little weird for me. haha. But we'll see as we go along the way. It'll...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Behind The Video - Devozione and Negativity

Behind The Video - Devozione and Negativity

Hey guys! I had these clips for a while on my Behind The Videos YouTube site on Thought I'd also share that here on my blog since this is about Behind The Scenes and Extras. These are original Behind The Videos for Devozione and Negativity found on my original channel...

Sunday, February 15, 2009



Hey guys! Once again I had configured the settings to make my widescreen better without the black borders. Although the black borders were nice, I realized that I still wanted that full widescreen look. My friend Archie, Gasang1 on YouTube gave me a great source in order to upload my vids in High Definition...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Logo

New Year, New Logo

Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone's having a great start this new year. Since It's another fresh beginning, I finally decided to change the xcreativexsoulx logo for this new year. I found that my old one was really too plain and just letters typed at once with x's thrown in the beginning, middle, and end...
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