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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Behind The Video - It's Christmas

Hi guys! Ok so I finally had the time to put up another Behind The Video. hehe.. This one is from my 1st Christmas video called, "It's Christmas." It's basically a parody of one of those infommercials trying to sell you a CD of some sort. All singing is exaggerated and of course, it's just for fun! :) I believe this video is over 2 years old. Wow! It has been that long really? Even things have changed for YouTube with it's screen format and great video quality.

It was really fun doing this video. I didn't really get to see the behind the scenes of this until now. I was cracking up on how goofy I was before the production began. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this Behind The Video as much as I did for "It's Christmas."

Here is a graphic design of the CD Cover for this spoof made from Photoshop CS2. Haha! Just too goofy!
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