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Sunday, June 13, 2010

06.13.10 - Behind The Video - Emo Dino

Whew! Well, I finally had the chance to put up another behind the video. I was just sorta giving myself time and everything was pretty rushed. :P But here goes another behind the video called "Behind Emo Dino." I had added a few details on this video but not so much. The character just evolved during the emo trend around 2 years ago or so?

What people didn't get much about this video was, there was a lesson to it towards the end. How people should be there to cheer up sad, and depressive people. And that was towards the 5th episode called "Cheer Up 2." Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one. I had created him a logo in 2007 but I never got a chance to use it. I'm also not sure if he will ever return this season or so. We shall see as we go. If you guys didn't know, my characters usually interact with each other if not in the same episode. Some of them have their own series and sometimes may interact with each other.

Check out the Behind the video below:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

06.06.10 - Fan Art

Haha.. I didn't know what to call this blog but I guess fan art would be the right term? Here are some drawings from the past that some people for me. I just didn't get to put some of them on here since you know, things are hectic. The last one was from a while back for my birthday by Antar Fardan. I just thought I'd put it up again so it'll be all in one. The 1st one is from a good YouTuber friend, Julius Mariano. The 2nd one is from a viewer. I didn't catch her name but she is very kind enough to make something like this for me. :) But here is her myspace:

Anyway, just thought I'd share that with you guys randomly.

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