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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

08.25.10 - Blog Layout

08.25.10 - Blog Layout

Hello. Just thought I'd do a screen capture of my blog before I set out the new theme. Ready for a new change on this site. I was also thinking of writing more stuff here since I have a bit more time. I shall do that real soon. For now, I better get ready for a job interview. If I get this, I'm praying I'll...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

08.17.10 - Situations

08.17.10 - Situations

Hey everyone! Just what I had mentioned in Vlog #7, I recently started producing the CreativeSoul situation videos. I wanted to create these also because I felt that I needed to produce something that people can relate to and possibly have come across at some point in their lives. So far, there are 3 videos...
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