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Saturday, December 1, 2012

12.01.12 - Behind The Video - DEVOZIONE N°5

12.01.12 - Behind The Video - DEVOZIONE N°5

The story of Devozione N°5 came after the famous Brad Pitt Chanel N°5 commercial aired. A lot of media parodied the infamous commercial like SNL and other YouTubers. It's really funny because the original commercial didn't make sense and already seemed like a parody in itself. It's just Brad Pitt talking as...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

11.22.12 - Happy Thanksgiving! So thankful for you!

11.22.12 - Happy Thanksgiving! So thankful for you!

Hello everyone, Just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving! Can't believe it's been so long since I've been creating content for YouTube. Anyway, I wanted to do a short video thanking all of you guys and to show how much I really really appreciate you! Of course without you, who would I create these...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11.15.12 - Goodbye DailyBooth

11.15.12 - Goodbye DailyBooth

 Hello all, As you know, the photoblogging site DailyBooth has officially shut down today. Yesterday was the last time for anyone to upload a picture. DailyBooth is a site where you can upload photos of yourself each day with a caption to pretty much document your life each day in...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10.17.12 - Behind The Video - Zombie Vlog

10.17.12 - Behind The Video - Zombie Vlog

Hey everyone! So the new season of The Walking Dead has begun! :D For fun, I decided to do a zombie vlog as a starter for the new season of xcreativexsoulx' YouTube also. I had a lotta fun applying the zombie make-up. During the airing premiere of "The Walking Dead" I was in a rush to get it done so I wouldn't...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

09.27.12 - He Lifts You Up

09.27.12 - He Lifts You Up

Sometimes in our lives, there are things or people that gets us down. We go through all the hurts and pains, feel less motivated, turned down, etc.. But we should always remember that there's family and friends that can lift you back on your feet. At the same time, people that you admire also can remind you...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

08.15.12 - Reaching Out

08.15.12 - Reaching Out

Hello everyone,In regards to the previous video on my xcreativexsoulx channel, I felt the need to open my heart humbly and share with you guys this little inspiration. Sometimes, it's best to forget about ourselves at a moment and be there for other people in need. You know, people are brought into our lives...

Monday, July 30, 2012

07.30.12 - Sorting Things Out

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted any new videos and blogs in a while. I'm sort of going through the motions and sorting things out. I have been kind of away and disabled my personal Facebook and just been away from online. But letting you all know that I am thinking about you. I have been in this crazy ride lately. The best thing I can do is just keep praying and get myself together. I don't know how long I'll be in this emotional...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

06.21.12 - Behind The Video - Don't Be Stupid

06.21.12 - Behind The Video - Don't Be Stupid

Hehe, the story of this music video parody is from the original Nicki Minaj song/video St*pid H*e. I thought it was just funny to do a little parody with something more positive since the original was way more extreme. :) The set I built was just a blue and pink blanket that I found in one of our cabinets. Hehe.....

Sunday, May 27, 2012

05.27.12 - Behind The Video - Positivity Check

05.27.12 - Behind The Video - Positivity Check

Hello everyone,I've decided to write about the Behind The Video of "Positivity Check." The purpose of the new video is to pretty much remind and see where everyone is at if they are still keeping on the positive side. :) The cameo of negativity was brought in the scene to show people that there can be more than...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

05.16.12 - Video hosting site Revver suspended

05.16.12 - Video hosting site Revver suspended

Hey everyone!I was actually going back to my older post on this blog and realized that the video hosting site, "Revver," doesn't function anymore. Looks like in February 2008, the company was sold to LiveUniverse, which is currently suspended. So with this issue, a bunch of my older videos within Revver have...

Monday, May 14, 2012

05.15.12 - Room Painted

05.15.12 - Room Painted

Hello everyone,I have finally painted the whole room. At this point I'm still in the process of hanging my shelf and organizing here and there but looks like the room is finally going to place. :) It's gonna be fun vlogging here on my new set. Hehe.. Took so long because of work and other things. You know how...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

05.02.12 - Zorse Ranch

05.02.12 - Zorse Ranch

Hi everyone,A month ago I had gone to a Zorse Ranch in San Diego called Hearts & Hands Animal Rescue. Living to it's name, there were several zebras, horses, zorses and other unique and unusual animals. What makes this experience really refreshing is you get to be close to these animals.As soon as I arrived,...
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