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Sunday, December 26, 2010

12.26.10 - Merry Christmas and Instant Photobooth Vlogs

Hello everyone!Merry, Merry Christmas to you all! Haha! I know I'm a bit late but it's still, in fact, the Holiday Season. New Year hasn't begun yet. :) Anyway, hope everybody had a blessed, wonderful Christmas. Well, I just wanted to let you guys know I started a series of Vlogs called Instant Photobooth Vlog. Photobooth is a program that came with my Macbook Pro. With this program, it's pretty fast and easy for me to do quick vlogs without...

Monday, December 20, 2010

12.20.10 - Sleepover 5 & Effects

12.20.10 - Sleepover 5 & Effects

Hehe.. Only the true readers of my blog would find out that the Sleepover 5 video will be released soon. I was able to finally gather the girls hence their hectic schedules. Again, the soon to be released vid has new animated text and graphics by using After Effects. They're just a simple introduction but I...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12.14.10 - Adobe CS5 for CreativeSoul videos

12.14.10 - Adobe CS5 for CreativeSoul videos

As soon as I purchased my Adobe CS5 Suite, an ad or two started popping up on my YouTube channel on xcreativexsoulx. :) Hehe, just wanted to share with you guys how powerful and great these programs are. I had currently switched to Adobe Premiere as my video editor since my Sony Vegas sometimes couldn't handle...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

11.14.10 - Meeting Jessica Rose of LonelyGirl15

11.14.10 - Meeting Jessica Rose of LonelyGirl15

Hello everyone!It's not everytime we get to meet somebody known/famous. I just wanted to share with you guys that a few months ago, I was able to get the chance to meet Jessica Rose. She is the pioneer, one of the first vloggers on YouTube. People actually thought she was a real person but she is just an actress...

Monday, October 18, 2010

10.18.10 - Instant Photobooth Vlog

It's really cool how I can just send you guys an instant video update by using my photobooth here on my Macbook Pro. :) Here's a short video pretty much explaining why I've been away, again! Haha.. But surely, promising to send more videos soon on xcreativexsoulx YouTube channel and some Behind The Videos for ItsCreativeSoul channel. :) Thanks for tuning in!-Ki...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

08.25.10 - Blog Layout

08.25.10 - Blog Layout

Hello. Just thought I'd do a screen capture of my blog before I set out the new theme. Ready for a new change on this site. I was also thinking of writing more stuff here since I have a bit more time. I shall do that real soon. For now, I better get ready for a job interview. If I get this, I'm praying I'll...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

08.17.10 - Situations

08.17.10 - Situations

Hey everyone! Just what I had mentioned in Vlog #7, I recently started producing the CreativeSoul situation videos. I wanted to create these also because I felt that I needed to produce something that people can relate to and possibly have come across at some point in their lives. So far, there are 3 videos...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

07.25.10 - Longer than expected

Hey everyone! I never thought that my hiatus will be longer than expected. At this point, it has been over a month that I haven't put up a video. With all these sideline projects, It's merely impossible at the moment. But I'm praying to put up a new video next week, for those of you who cares. :) Anyway, I hope all is well and be producing more soon!<3Ki...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

06.13.10 - Behind The Video - Emo Dino

06.13.10 - Behind The Video - Emo Dino

Whew! Well, I finally had the chance to put up another behind the video. I was just sorta giving myself time and everything was pretty rushed. :P But here goes another behind the video called "Behind Emo Dino." I had added a few details on this video but not so much. The character just evolved during the emo...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

06.06.10 - Fan Art

06.06.10 - Fan Art

Haha.. I didn't know what to call this blog but I guess fan art would be the right term? Here are some drawings from the past that some people for me. I just didn't get to put some of them on here since you know, things are hectic. The last one was from a while back for my birthday by Antar Fardan. I just thought...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

05.11.10 - The BlogTV Sessions

05.11.10 - The BlogTV Sessions

Hello all! I just wanted to quickly write how nice my BlogTV sessions turnout. From the very beginning, it has connected all these wonderful people and it's even great to hear that people look forward to it especially when I'm doing a show. It's a place where I really want to promote positivity and to connect...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Season & Playlist

New Season & Playlist

Truly crazy how the season goes by quick. I usually like to re-design my YouTube page for each season so I came up with the red logo for spring. Since I haven't put up many videos for this season yet, I just left the "New Season" word in the center of the logo.Anyway, a lot of people have inquired on me creating...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Update & MAC

Update & MAC

Hey guys!! Woo hoo! I finally got my new Macbook Pro! :) I know for sure graphic designers need these. I think the timing was just perfect. Anyway, I am still trying to learn the tricks and the apps and all that good stuff. I hear it is very user friendly. The only thing I found out about this awesome device...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Behind The Video - It's Christmas

Behind The Video - It's Christmas

Hi guys! Ok so I finally had the time to put up another Behind The Video. hehe.. This one is from my 1st Christmas video called, "It's Christmas." It's basically a parody of one of those infommercials trying to sell you a CD of some sort. All singing is exaggerated and of course, it's just for fun! :) I believe...
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