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Sunday, July 25, 2010

07.25.10 - Longer than expected

Hey everyone! I never thought that my hiatus will be longer than expected. At this point, it has been over a month that I haven't put up a video. With all these sideline projects, It's merely impossible at the moment. But I'm praying to put up a new video next week, for those of you who cares. :) Anyway, I hope all is well and be producing more soon!



Omar Pérez said...

Don't sweat it man,!

Just take all the time you need...
by the way, have you heard the news?

how about that... lol
well, this is huge for us non-partners... =P

KITS said...

hey omar! wow! really? sorry i just saw this comment of yours. that's pretty good! i have 2 weeks off so i can produce more videos for YT. hehe. we'll see how it goes!

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