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Thursday, April 21, 2011

04.21.11 - On Set - New ParoFilm

Hey guys! It's really exciting being on the set and taking pics. I guess I was telling myself to be more active and post more extras and behind the scenes here. Some of you may already know the drill. Well, I'm still currently trying to finish the new Paro-Film that will be released sometime soon. I just had to re-think the scripts but will be rolling again soon. Here are some pictures I had taken. See the new lights? Haha! That was one of the exciting things that happened to me recently. Everything else is the same, as far as personal life goes. Here are some photos of the set:

I would add another photo but that may give away what movie I'm trying to parody. Haha.. Can you guys guess already what movie it is just by looking at the set? Ok, well that's it for now. Will be updating more soon with video. Have a great FRIDAY guys!! And the weekend is once again, almost here! :D


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