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Thursday, October 13, 2011

10.13.11 - Phone Remedy

Ok guys, have you ever dropped your phone on an accident in water? It could be the sink, tub, and eek, toilet? Well, there is this saying that once you drop your phone in water, there is a chance you can actually save it and make it work! I'm not sure what percentage of the time you can actually save the soaked device but I had read a remedy about this and was confirmed by a few Facebook friends that you can make it happen. Here's a little video I created to see what I did. If I wasn't clumsy enough then I wouldn't be able to make this video. Haha.. Ok, that was dumb! But hope you find this useful.

1 comment:

Cheequieee said...

I heard about this remedy. I hear it actually does work. It's good to know that you've tried it & can vouch that it is true. So, if in the future I do get my phone wet I can just get a big bowl of bigs! :)

I love your cameraman! :)

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