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Monday, December 20, 2010

12.20.10 - Sleepover 5 & Effects

Hehe.. Only the true readers of my blog would find out that the Sleepover 5 video will be released soon. I was able to finally gather the girls hence their hectic schedules. Again, the soon to be released vid has new animated text and graphics by using After Effects. They're just a simple introduction but I guess it works well. I was also able to use Photoshop images in 3D space. Just like the image below, I was able to use the Facebook status scene using 3D.

At this moment, I'm still figuring out how the Sleepover logo would appear. For now, the logo iteslf has feathered edges to make it more of an interesting look prior to the older Sleepover videos, which had flat edges. :) I'm also trying to work on transitions. Still adjusting to Premiere and After Effects. So far, I'm getting a hang of Premiere so it's all good. :)

I still have one more scene to record but since I've been busy with Christmas shopping, I had to put that off on the side. Anyway, have a HAPPY HOLIDAYS! And make it a safe one! God bless to you all! Thank you for reading and watching!!


1 comment:

Omar PĂ©rez said...

by the way...

it's looking great, can't wait.

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